On the whole, the setting initially revolves around London and moves on to a village on a small island off Langkawi and the house of Datin Sharifah and her husband in Langkawi
LONDON – Azreen furthers her studies in London
A VILLAGE ON A SMALL ISLAND OFF LANGKAWI – Some of the places mentioned in the story.
Azreen’s house - Azreen lives with his father, mother and Madhuri.
Madhuri’s room - Azreen finds Madhuri’s photos are all torn in three parts. The room is also burnt down.
Nek’s house – Mohd Mohd. Asraf lives with his grandmother.
The rubber plantation - The scene where Madhuri’s body is found.
The farm - Awang leaves the gate open and Mohd. Asraf gets the blame when the bull escapes.
The forest - The Old Lady runs to the forest and settles in an abandoned wooden house after the villagers outcast her.
The school - The school where Azreen studied during her secondary years. This is also where she
gets acquainted with Mohd. Asraf.
Paddy field - Salleh Abdullah finds Madhuri as a baby in the makeshift bed of rags and leaves.
The cemetery - Madhuri and her mother are laid to rest here.
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